Sexually Transmitted Infections

AWC Centers (formerly Any Woman Can) provides FREE testing and treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea at both of our locations.

We also partner with San Antonio Metro Health District for a monthly walk-in clinic to provide additional free testing. Call us to find out when Metro Health will be at our locations each month.

Facts about STIs and STDs:

  • There are about 20 million new cases of STDs each year in the United States. Half of these infections occur in people between 15 and 24 years of age. 
  • Many STDs don’t cause any symptoms you would notice. You can get an STD from having sex with someone who has no symptoms. AWC Centers provide free testing and treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
  • Most people don’t initially experience any symptoms of these illnesses. However, if left untreated, both illnesses can lead to lasting complications.
  • You can contract an STD through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

For more information about Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: